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Become a Friend of the Building of St. Peter's
Membership Options - Please choose one

Please set up your standing order with your bank using the following details


Account Name:  PCC of Chester St Peter 

Sort Code: 40-52-40 

Account Number:  00028754 

Ref: Friends 


If you would like to make a one-off donation, without registering as a Friend, please make a bank transfer using the account details above. 


Gift Aid 


If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make your giving even more beneficial to us by completing a Gift Aid Declaration. 



Thank you! We will be in touch soon.

Your personal details may be used by the Friends of the Building, St Peter’s Chester to send you postal and electronic mailings.  We will not share your data with a third party except when required to do so by law.  The Friends of the Building are governed by the privacy notice of the PCC of Chester St Peter which is available here 



The Friends of the Building falls under the responsibility of the PCC of Chester St Peter (Registered Charity Number 1174067.  The Terms of Reference for the Friends of the Building are available upon request. 

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